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英语课文 《Lesson4:VegetablesandFruit》教案 教学资料 教学设计

时间:2008-11-18 08:37:10 A+

英语课文 《Lesson4:VegetablesandFruit》教案 教学资料 教学设计

英语课文 《Lesson4:VegetablesandFruit》教案 教学资料 教学设计

Lesson 4: Vegetables and Fruit


知识目标:vegetables  fruit  morning  afternoon  evening

Do you like _____?  I like ______.  I don’t like _____.



二、教学重难点:学会使用句子: I like/ don’t like ______. 表达自己喜欢什么食物。



Step I:Greeting and Revision:

1. Greeting

2. Sing “the fruit song”

Play the audiotape to sing the song together as the students show their pictures.

3. Ask students to introduce their food pictures to their partners to exercise “Would you like _______? Yes, please! / No, thanks!” if necessary, the teacher should give an example.

Step II:  New class

Part I : Do You Like This

1.T: This is my picture. This is _____.(Point to one fruit in the picture) I like _____.(Show the happy face to explain “like”.) would you like ______?

S: Yes, please./ No, thanks.

T: I like ______.(Show happy face)  Do you like ______?

S: Yes/ No

T: I don’t like______.(Show the sad face)  Do you like _____?

S: Yes/No

2.Ask students to exercise with their pictures in pairs like the teacher, then show in front.

3.Game named “Finding Friends” 

    用两套相同的食物卡片分发给同学们,请他们用Do you like _______?句型问其他的同学,当问到和自己手里卡片食物名称一样的同学时就找了到自己的朋友。

4. Play the audiotape as the students follow in their books.

Part II:

1. Please look at the book and guess what the picture are about.

(The teacher say the sentences and do the action to help students understand the Chinese meaning of morning, afternoon, evening . If necessary, we can explain in Chinese.)

2. Play the audiotape as the students follow in their book.

3. Work in pairs:

Talk about what they do in the morning, afternoon and evening.

4. Play a game:



Lesson 4: Vegetables and Fruit

  I like _______.                    Would you like_______?

I don’t like ______.          Yes, please!/No, thanks!

