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登喜玛拉雅山(Climbing in the Himalayas)

时间:2009-01-31 12:18:17 A+

登喜玛拉雅山(Climbing in the Himalayas)

登喜玛拉雅山(Climbing in the Himalayas)

Climbing in the Himalayas    Last summer my friends and I went climbing in the HimaLayas. We followed an unhurried routine. Everyday, we would get up at 5:30 a. m. , have a cup of tea and set off after 6. Our kitchen staff would go ahead to choose a suitable place for breakfast. Arriving at some pleasant stream after two or three hours, we would make a long stop. While the cook was making the fire and preparing our breakfast, some of us would swim and rest, some would read and write, others would watch birds or catch butterflies and insects. We would reach camp in the early afternoon, so we would have plenty of time to settle in, write diaries and reports for newspapers, and discuss future plans.    Our climbs, as well as the leisure hours in camp, helped to form firm friendship. Through comparing our very different backgrounds and interests and though discussing out experiences we soon came to appreciate one another.    At the same time, we also made friends with our native guides. An arrangement which seemed to give mutual pleasure in our Himalayan travel was that each man was cared for by a faithful follower. This person would bring him his tea in the morning, lay out his sleeping bag at night, help to carry his personal belongings and encourage him all the way whenever we faced difficulties and danger.[点评]    这篇记叙文叙述的是过去某一段时间里发生的事情,即去年夏天登喜玛拉雅山的事情。登这座山非一时所能完成之事。他们必须安排每天登一段,每天的日程安排几乎相同。文章中不断出现would一词,表示过去一段时间里总要重复的动作,用得非常恰当、准确,不可认为是一个词的过多重复使用。读者可模仿写一篇游记类的文章。[参考译文]登喜玛拉雅山    去年夏天,我和一帮朋友去登喜玛拉雅山。我们日程安排得不慌不忙。每天早上五点半起床,喝上一杯茶,六点以后出发。炊事人员会先去选一块合适的地方准备早饭。两三个小时后,我们来到一条宜人的小溪旁,呆上好长一段时间。厨师生火做早饭的时候,有些人去游泳休息,有些人看书写作,还有些人观察小鸟或者去捕捉蝴蝶和昆虫。下午,很早我们就安营扎寨,这样就有足够的时间安顿下来,写写日记,给报纸写报导,还可以讨论以后的计划安排。    我们在登山过程中,以及在营地共同渡过的闲暇时光中,建立起牢固的友谊。通过相互谈论差异很大的文化背景和爱好兴趣,并交流一些自己的经验,我们很快就相互喜欢上了。    同时,我们和当地向导也交上了朋友。在喜玛拉雅山的旅行中,似乎使双方都快乐的一个安排就是每个人由一个忠实的当地人随从照顾。这个人早上给他端来茶,晚上给他铺好睡袋,帮他拿些随身用品,并且一路上在遇到困难和险情时,给他鼓励和勇气

