电影分级(The Grading of Films)
时间:2009-01-31 12:20:28
电影分级(The Grading of Films)
Films and TV series are now not graded in China. Therefore, no matter what kind of fihn or TV series is being shown, it is connnon to see parents and children going to the cinema together, or the whole family, grandparents, parents, and children, sitting together in front of the same TV set enjoying the same film or series. Some people think this has given rise to at least two problems.
The first problem is that fihn makers are caught in a dilemma because they do not know what kind of film they should make to satisfy both the adults and the children. They must make great efforts to meet the satisfaction of the adults, and at the same time go out of their way to avoid imposing bad influence on the children. Consequently, they lose both kinds of audiences, wasting a lot of money. The second problem is that non graded fihns and TV series might give young viewers, especially children, the wrong moral impression. They see a lot of violence, sex and crime in films and TV series that are not intended for them. Many young people try to imitate in their daily life what they saw in films and TV series, which are harmful both to the society and to the individuals.
I think it absolutely necessary that the fihns be graded. I am afraid that some very common misdemeanor among school children and the increased crime rate in teenagers in resent years are partly due to the influence from the fihns and TV series for adults. Fihns and TV series ought to educate the young not to ruin them.
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